
 Last month with great excitement and anticipation we introduced our Next Step campaign. Our vision is to purchase property with funds that we have accrued over the last 8 years and to raise $200,000 over the next 2 years that will allow us to construct a building for us to gather. I believe wholeheartedly that we can accomplish our vision while being debt free. 

It is exciting to think about how far we have already come as a church community in the last 8 years. As we  prayerfully choose to engage in the Next Step campaign not only will our community grow stronger relationally but most importantly we will be able to grow in the vision that Christ gave the church; Be disciples who make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). 

How do we participate in the Next Step campaign?


To give by check made out to The Orchard (with Next Step in the memo)

Mail to:

The Orchard

P.O. Box 333

Clay NY 13041